The International Security Ligue

Building a better industry.  
Creating a safer world.

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About the International Security Ligue

Voice of the World's Leading Security Companies Since 1934

The Ligue engages with key stakeholders around the world in pursuit of our mission to enhance professionalism in the private security industry and improve its readiness to meet the future needs of businesses, governments, and society. We conduct research and share expertise to broaden understanding of the complex threat environment and are a forum for the industry's leaders to come together to define actions necessary to combat it.  

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GSB 2025 Slated for Release in April 2025

The Global Security Barometer is a comprehensive exploration of critical challenges facing the security services industry and global security, blending survey results with unique perspectives from more than one dozen subject matter experts.

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Members Report on Safety Data Benchmarks

“With the data from the Ligue, we are pleased to have access to benchmarks focused on our industry,” said a member of the Ligue’s Safety & Security Working Group. (To get access to the members page, email a password request from your company account to:

Members: Get the report
The missions of:

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Improve conditions:

We fight for smart regulation, fair and open markets, safer workers, and client partnerships built on trust and quality. Gaining recognition for the foundational role security plays in society has never been more crucial—and so, too, is meeting that responsibility. Security touches the lives of millions of people across the world, and everyone has the right to live and work in a safe society. The challenge to security firms across the world is to live up to its increasing responsibilities and the even higher expectations of the public. While different markets have  unique challenges, it has never been more important to communicate across the industry to discuss risks and to advance conditions that will help protect society from the security challenges of today.

1. Advocacy

Unite stakeholders:

We partner with leading security organizations around the world and forge alliances to help drive higher ethical and professional standards in the private security services industry. The global security industry connects with many different groups that have the ability to influence or impact how the industry operates. The security industry must act in harmony with all of its key stakeholders to achieve its goals and to provide a safe and secure environment for all. It is important that the industry takes a proactive approach to understanding the needs of its customers, employees, insurers, police, governments, regulators, and the media—and build strong relationships with all of them.

2. Outreach

Expand insight:

We conduct on-going research, experience-exchange forums, and  data collection among members to address industry challenges, make our workers safer, and meet the evolving security needs of society. Not only is the demand for security services and products increasing, it is also changing—and becoming both specialized and differentiated. What was once a need for a single service or product has now become a search for complete, innovative, security solutions. We constantly endeavor to keep pace with the changing demands of the market and ensure our people have the skills to keep pace—even in a fast-changing world. 

3. Research

Broaden expertise:

We deliver practical tools and resources to help the global community effectively meet emerging threats. Through the Ligue, the leading security companies of the world make resources freely available, designed to save users' time, improve strategy, and answer questions. We also acknowledge the reciprocal nature of this relationship, and that to add value to our clients, we must understand their business objectives and requirements and deliver tailored security solutions. While the security industry must demonstrate expertise in designing security solutions, we must also expand our knowledge and understanding of their markets and the business challenges they face to ensure that a chosen security approach adds real value to the customer.

4. Resources

The private security industry is a part of everyday life around the globe. However, despite its ubiquity, the capabilities, quality of training, and the value of private security services often go unrecognized. As such, the Ligue promotes greater understanding about the many millions of highly qualified security employees worldwide. By raising awareness, we hope that a more realistic view can develop of an industry that is both economically and socially precious.  

The Ligue unites the worlds’ foremost companies managing this essential foundation, providing a forum to understand global trends, exchange best practices and ideas, drive-up standards, shape global codes of conduct, and provide a global voice for the security industry . Represented throughout the world, the Ligue plays a vital role in defining and maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards for the private security industry.

Compliance is the foundation of a secure life in society and a functioning economy. The Ligue strives to develop and implement regulations in order to enhance the professionalism and the quality of the services provided to the security market. As an industry, it is important that we set high standards and that we commit to live up to them – for the sake of the industry and for our individual businesses.

Together, we can build a better industry and create a safer world.