Enhanced Good Practice

July 2, 2024
Enhanced Good Practice
Formalizing Processes for Risk Acceptance

A decision not to implement recommended security measures should be part of a thoughtful process, one that is equally robust as approving security projects or expenditures.

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July 11, 2024
Enhanced Good Practice
Prevention of Crowd Crush Injuries and Fatalities

Crowds possess enormous destructive power as trampling tragedies prove, so major events or gatherings demand well-trained security personnel and adequate planning that includes studying pedestrian traffic flows and circulation routes.

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May 27, 2024
Enhanced Good Practice
Reduce New-Hire Turnover

A stubborn and increasing source of turnover—somewhat “hidden” from the industry—results from new security hires who never report for work or resign before Day 60.

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June 4, 2024
Enhanced Good Practice
Increasing Female Industry Participation

It's slowly changing, but security is a male-dominated profession. Women already in the profession believe certain initiatives—which are not universal—could encourage more women to enter and remain in security.

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