Food for Thought: Key Quotes and Takeaways from 6th Bundesbank Cash Symposium
Tanja Kulisch-Ziemens, Secretary General of the Ligue’s Cash Chapter, was on hand at the Bundesbank's Cash Symposium on Feb. 5 in Berlin to supply a recap.
Ligue Releases Position Paper on Single Currency Package
We need a cautious and holistic approach in forthcoming legislations to ensure an effective level playing field for both digital and physical central bank currencies.
What the European Central Bank Just Learned When It Surveyed Companies About Cash
Stores, restaurants, and hotels in the EU prefer cash for its security, reliability, and privacy, yet more of them aren't accepting cash, according to European Central Bank survey results released in September.
Making society resilient against manmade and natural disasters is not the only reason why cash acceptance is critical; "cashless" retailers also do disservice to the public.
Environmental Impact of Cash vs. Digital Payments: Probably Not What You Think
Since digital payments and cash have similar environmental impacts, supporting one or the other is an unwise strategy to make payment systems more environmentally friendly. Indeed, tilting in one direction or the other can create an infrastructure imbalance that makes things worse.
Cash’s Popularity and Necessity is Gaining Recognition at EU Legislative Level
The need to ensure that cash is maintained as a viable payment method is being advocated by civil society organizations, ordinary citizens, and—increasingly—by legislative bodies.
Cash Infrastructure is the Cornerstone of Resilience
The importance of maintaining and supporting the cash infrastructure has never seemed more important than in the wake of this week's catastrophic IT outage.
Complexity of Cashless Transactions and the Need for Resilience Highlighted in Recent Outages
Strict reliance on digital payments can make societies less resilient, highlighted by recent outages in March that forced some businesses to close shop and hit McDonald's and Tesco, among others.
Recognition Grows that Safeguarding the Future of Cash is a Consumer Protection Issue
European Consumer Protection Ministers, as well as those in Germany, recently highlighted the need to safeguard access to cash to protect consumers and ensure a resilient retail payment system.
The Ligue Welcomes Tanja Kulisch-Ziemens as New Secretary General of Its Cash Chapter
The International Security Ligue (Ligue) has appointed Tanja Kulisch-Ziemens as of May 2024 as its new Secretary General for the Cash Chapter of the Ligue—a position that has recently been created to address the current disruptive challenges of the industry.