
July 22, 2024
What If There Were No Olympics? The People Who Make Events Possible and Keep Societies Safe Need More Than An Annual Thank You. They Need Change.
What if we turned to security workers for help and found they weren’t there?
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May 27, 2024
Enhanced Good Practice
Reduce New-Hire Turnover
A stubborn and increasing source of turnover—somewhat “hidden” from the industry—results from new security hires who never report for work or resign before Day 60.
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June 4, 2024
Enhanced Good Practice
Increasing Female Industry Participation
It's slowly changing, but security is a male-dominated profession. Women already in the profession believe certain initiatives—which are not universal—could encourage more women to enter and remain in security.
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June 3, 2024
Case Study
Strategies for Making a Successful Transition to Contract Security
Utilizing the expertise of a contract security firm is tempting, but the transition can be off-putting. Here are 6 steps that a major healthcare group took that it says helped them to successfully make the change.
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April 9, 2024
International Security Associations Launch Contest Answering, "Why Security?"
Global contest encourages security workers to share what they like about their job.
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