
September 6, 2024
Environmental Impact of Cash vs. Digital Payments: Probably Not What You Think

Since digital payments and cash have similar environmental impacts, supporting one or the other is an unwise strategy to make payment systems more environmentally friendly. Indeed, tilting in one direction or the other can create an infrastructure imbalance that makes things worse.

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August 23, 2024
Cash’s Popularity and Necessity is Gaining Recognition at EU Legislative Level

The need to ensure that cash is maintained as a viable payment method is being advocated by civil society organizations, ordinary citizens, and—increasingly—by legislative bodies.

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August 14, 2024
Why Are Police Responding to Incidents That No One (Including Police) Wants Them To?

When crafting innovative approaches to social challenges from urbanization, public officials should consider research that proves private security is an effective supplement to public police, including for deterring crime, helping individuals in need, and controlling disorder.

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August 6, 2024
In Joint Security Arrangements, Failures in Coordination Can Have Tragic Consequences

Evidenced by communication failures that nearly ended in Trump’s assassination, joint security arrangements require specific attention to coordinating activities, including development of a common vision, process standardization, joint training initiatives, and internal and external communication.

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June 28, 2024
Ligue Investigation: Public Tender Documents Reveal Need for Better Procurement Practices in Contracts for Guard Services

The Ligue’s review of Government Transparency Institute data suggests that public tendering for guard services must substantially improve, as practices in those tenders are worse than in tenders for comparable services.

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June 21, 2024
Financial Activity in the Security Industry: What’s Happening? What’s Next?

Financial analysts say they are encouraged by what they see regarding business opportunities and financial activity in the physical security industry. This article examines financial activity in the security industry and highlights key trends to look for moving forward. (This article was originally published in 2023 and has been updated.)

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January 22, 2024
Even as the Cyber Arms Race Heats Up, Insider Theft of Intellectual Property is a Persistent Threat

When asked to identify the most significant global risks facing the world in the next two years, experts rank cyber insecurity fourth—more worrisome than interstate armed conflict and inflation. But while most of the focus on cyber risks is on digital tools and technological one upmanship, people remain a consistent threat to government and business information and intellectual property. Because malicious insiders often act within a normal range of their duties, prevention requires a holistic security approach.

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January 29, 2024
5 Reasons Today’s Employees Do Wrong—And Strategies to Stop Them

All the old reasons for employee deviance still exist today. But there are new reasons for it, too, including less loyalty being exchanged between workers and their employers, a growing mindset of entitlement among younger workers, and greater opportunities to profit from dishonesty.

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March 6, 2024
New Supply Chain Risks and Maximizing Value from Security Investments

Evolving international issues are impacting the security of supply lines, requiring organizations to integrate security throughout supply chain activities. But which solutions yield business value beyond protection?

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March 13, 2024
Security’s Value Still Goes Unrecognized. Here is a 4-Step Plan to Change That.

Company security leaders—as a group—do an insufficient job promoting the value of their function, according to research. Security’s full range of benefits are still largely unrecognized. What should security leaders do to change that?

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February 27, 2024
Being a More Informed Security Consumer Can Avoid Disappointment

Some service providers count on consumers to skip due diligence when contracting for services, which results in lower quality work and more consumer complaints. Here is how that plays out in the security sector and what organizations should do to be more informed security consumers.

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March 26, 2024
Global Physical Security Market Surpasses $400 Billion, Services Still Dominate

A new study on the scope and breadth of the global physical security sector indicates the industry is vibrant market, has regional variations, and includes a few surprises.

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April 5, 2024
Lawsuit is Latest Escalation in Fight Against Cashless Mandates

From Melbourne to Hyderabad, citizens are voicing objections to curtailing the freedom to pay in cash

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April 18, 2024
Australia Mall Attack Highlights Risk to Soft Targets. Better Supplier Relationships Could Help Address It.

A 40-year-old man went on a stabbing rampage April 13 at a crowded shopping mall in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia, underscoring the challenge of predicting and preventing random attacks in spaces open to the public. What can “soft targets” do?

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April 27, 2024
High-Quality Security Personnel & Planning Are Crucial to Manage Disobedience

Security officer quality takes center stage at the most critical of times, from disruptions at shareholder meetings to campus protests. Managed correctly, such events may be quickly forgotten. Handled poorly, and they can gain media attention and do lingering damage to an organization’s reputation.

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