Threat Analysis

September 17, 2024
Threat Analysis
Q&A on Private Sector Intelligence
Intelligence tradecraft in the private sector has expanded significantly. Done right, it supports strategic decision-making related to risk and security, as well as strategic opportunity, and positions organizations ahead of events.
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July 2, 2024
Enhanced Good Practice
Threat Analysis
Formalizing Processes for Risk Acceptance
A decision not to implement recommended security measures should be part of a thoughtful process, one that is equally robust as approving security projects or expenditures.
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July 24, 2024
Threat Analysis
Fundamental Security Failure in Attempted Trump Assassination is Something That Can Happen at Any Organization
Regarding the attempted assassination of former US President Trump, it is easy to think—if a specific individual or group of people had needed to sign-off on a specific decision to leave that rooftop unprotected—that a different decision would have been made.
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