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August 13, 2024

Security is a Cost Center? Research Says "No"

Research provides empirical evidence that there is a correlation between a company’s spending on security and their financial performance, as highlighted in a new Infographic from the International Security Ligue. It highlights proof that payback on security spending is not only derived from preventing incidents that would harm revenue but also by creating the stability needed to maintain and attract investors and customers.

Multiple studies highlight benefits from security beyond incident avoidance, including companies that are more aggressive in protecting property have more stable cash flow, which in turn improves investors’ expectations of future cash flow, which in turn boosts stock price. And supply chain research shows that security investments improve inventory management, product handling, and customs clearance.

The Ligue’s new infographic highlights key facts from a sampling of the growing number of academic studies to find a link between security and business value.

“From preventing business downtime, protecting shareholder value, to reducing operating and insurance costs, there is ample research to show that spending money on security is a good investment,” Stefan Huber, Director General of the International Security Ligue.

Click here to see the new infographic in our Download Library